Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Janet's Pub and the Chelsea Flower Show

Janet's Pub! We stumbled upon this hidden little gem of a pub while wandering around the other night.  It s a unique little pub tucked under the stairs of the Brompton hotel by South Kensington tube stop. Packed full of Aussie gardeners celebrating their victory at the Chelsea Flower Show earlier that day (which apparently is like "the Grammy's for Gardeners", and attracts loads of press and prestigious guests like Prince William, Duke of Cambridge--proven through the many photos that were shown to me on various phones). From an inflatable Santa Claus hanging from the fan, to the various other seemingly random decorations, apparently this bar screams Australian flair. :) Janet's Pub was opened by a New Yorker named ....Janet, I believe ;), and though no larger than a bedroom, it was overflowing with a fun and inviting atmosphere. We sat and talked with the Australian Gardening Team, who won first place trophy in the Flower Show, and I learned that their piece took 19 days to build and, if I'm remembering correctly, $1.4 million dollars worth of plants, sand and stone imported from Australia. If I am wrong on that number, it was more. You've got to keep it authentic! They compete in the show without pay and the prize is a glass trophy and bragging rights. Trust me when I say they were so passionate about what they do, that's all they wanted and could have boasted and celebrated all night (which I am sure they did..and are continuing to do!).  They explained it to me by stating, "It's not about money, we do it because it's in the heart, it's deeper than that, way deeper than that"(Australian Gardener #1). It was such a fun experience listening to them explain what it took to reach their goal, and getting to see all the pictured of the works of art and celebrities in attendance. :)

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