Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Afternoon Tea, Please and Thank You.

    We all got the chance to experience REAL afternoon tea at a very posh location, The Cadogan Hotel.  In the states we might refer to it as "high tea", but here they just call it afternoon tea.  Cream afternoon tea is specifically what we had, which consisted of scones and buns (like cinnamon buns), a choice off of their tea list, and clotted cream and jams.  Another more luxurious option is Champagne afternoon tea, which adds sandwiches and a glass of champagne to the list.  A prominent element of identity here was "Traditions".  Afternoon tea is a long standing British tradition, and we got to experience a very high class example of it.  Some of the tea choices were recommended with milk, but there were also teas on the menu they recommended to be drank by themselves. "Class" was very prominent as well, since we reside in a very wealthy part of London, the tea services her are much more "posh" than the average Brit would experience.  Everything was laid out very proper and we were all very aware of the "noisy American" stigma we were living up to. It was a great experience, but I left with way too much tea in my belly, and wanting some real food. :)

an example of Champagne Afternoon Tea at The Cadogan Hotel. Fancy, HUH! :)

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