Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Royal Ascot


     My friend Brianda and I were lucky enough to have a chance to attend The Royal Ascot Races, horse races attended by the royal family!  Minus our failings to attain a big fancy hat, we tried our best to look posh and classy ;) which was quickly equalized by the excessive consumption of alcohol.  I kept it classy by sipping whiskey in a coffee cup, because I hear that's how the Queen does it.
     A friend of a friend had some extra tickets through work, so we got to go with their group.  Starting at 9:30am, we drove out to Ascot in a large bus, and when we got there were treated to a wonderful buffet lunch with endless champagne.  We then headed in to the races and waited at the fence for the Queen to drive by in a carriage!

   Sadly it was a bit cold and rainy, but it went on and off enough that it wasn't so bad, plus i enjoyed watching everyone try to keep their hats and clothing together ;) .

   What I accomplished for "firsts" is I bet on a horse race with a bookie for the first time! I didn't win and I didn't bet much, but I still did it counts! :D

     It was so fun picking random horses without knowing what the HELL you are doing, let me tell you.


      The first element of identity I realized was "Class", obviously.  Everyone was dressed very classy and certain areas of the race had a very strict dress code.  There were men in suits and top hats, and some very beautiful and expensive dresses and hats.  You could definitely tell that being or appearing to be high class was the theme of the day. 

   The second element of identity I found was "traditions; sports" because betting at the horse races are a long standing sport in England.  You could either bet at the national betting office (I'm probably mangling the name), or on the field with an individual bookie at one of their little wheel up stands.  I can say I left the races knowing the general guidelines to horse racing, but I definitely didn't leave richer than I started!

     They also had a huge tent with live music and a big area with a bar and tables to sit at away from the race.  One thing that amazed me was how quickly the ladies restroom line went! This is because someone finally realized there needs to be more women's stalls then men's and there were three different halls for women. Well done, Ascot, that made me quite happy! 
     I did donate my black sweater to the day, but that is a small price to pay for such amazing memories!

I had such a fun day, and hopefully I can go to a horse race again in the near future!

-Abby Mettler

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