Monday, May 27, 2013

Abbey Road...the Beatles one!

Our Beatles Day, WHERE to start?! Well let's begin with the fact that instead of looking up WHERE the Abbey Road The Beatles made famous was located, I looked at a tube map and found an Abbey Road tube stop.  Logically, it made sense to us that this was the Abbey Road we desired...BOY, were we wrong! We ended up in a very slummy area where we stood out like a sore thumb with our hippy/tourist attire.  Luckily we ran into a family from Spain who also was looking for the famous Abbey Road and ventured back together to the tube.  There we found several signs we had overlooked before, one of which is pictured below:
    ^^This made us feel a lesser form of idiots, since obviously we weren't the only ones that had made this mistake.  Must feel sad for people in that area though, "Oh, you probably came here by mistake, no one wants to come here on purpose, hardly". Anyway, we then traveled another 30+ minutes to the "wanted" Abbey Road, at St. John's Wood, and found what we were looking for.  
     When we finally arrived it was fun to watch how angry the cars got at the endless groups of people walking across the crosswalk and pausing for pictures. Then we did it--several times--and people were applauding because apparently we were one of the first groups at that time that had a foursome that (attempted) to pose like the famous Beatles photo. It was either that, or they liked our outfits, because we were asked to be in a few pictures with others! Right next to the road is Abbey Studios, where you can sign the wall where countless others have proven their attendance at some point in time.
The day then proceeded on with us on a mission for food, which apparently was an impossible task.  We eventually found our way to St. Johns high street, where there is a nice collection of shops and restaurants, and went into the first pub we spotted, assuming the food wouldn't be GREAT, but edible nonetheless. We were pleasantly surprised with the eclectic menu of Indian, Mediterranean, and I want to say asian (because of the wooden boxes certain things came in) fare! We got a medley of hummus, dips, naan bread, chicken satays, dumplings, spring roles, and Stella Artois:
      This meal alone is a prime example of what a melting pot of cultures London is.  All the nationalities and their foods from home meld together to create almost a new category. 
     Our last stop of the day was Paul McCartney's home, which we may or may not have been peepers out in front of for a short period of time. We wouldn't have ever known about it, but ran into a very friendly girl from Texas who was attending a university there that gave us directions, "if we wanted to check it out, and Stella lives across the street"...ummm, yes please.  Mr. McCartney is a clever one though, because the brick wall was to tall for me to see over without being painful, but my taller friends were more lucky.  We had such an adventure, and all of our efforts were well worth it. :)

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