Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunny Day in Hackney

  It truly is a sight to behold when the clouds go away and there is a warm, sunny day in London! This weekend, a 3-day bank holiday weekend, was perfect timing for such a day (or two!).  I spent Sunday out at a park, soaking up all the Vitamin D I possibly could, and picnicking with new friends :) When the sun comes out, everyone rushes out to lay in it, wearing as little as possible, then a cloud with come and it will be cold again-- all of us praying for the sun's return.  This particular park was very lovely, with a pub attached on the grass at one end, and basketball, concrete ping pong, and other sports courts littered throughout.  There was also a section of the park designated to barbecuing, which smelled delicious but was just a big field of smoke to the untrained eye. Culture was apparent everywhere with people from outrageous fashions, hipsters, people with dogs and children, to young people enjoying some drinks together while "playing footie" (kicking a soccer ball around...or futbol...you know what I mean), it was apparent that there was no conflict among anyone but everyone just wanted to enjoy the sun.  I actually got really excited when someone said they were going to buy a football for the park, since I have a really good arm and can throw a sweet spiral, but he returned with a soccer ball (to Americans, anyway) and I suck at that sport. Boo. :) Also, there were a number of "off-license" liquor stores littered around the park that offered an open shop to get food and drinks, since every other store in sight seemed to be closed on Sundays. It was a Sunday, lovely Sunday.

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