Wednesday, May 22, 2013

London Breakfast

I LOVE LOVE LOVE London breakfasts!...minus the baked beans because I'm just not there yet. The two middle pics are examples of the traditional Full English Breakfast, which nearly every bakery or breakfast shop offers.  This consists of two eggs, toast, hash browns, bacon, a sausage link, baked beans, and a tomato slice (you know, to keep it healthy...) The last photo was from a little bakery/coffee shop called Gail's.  It is spinach greens, portobello mushrooms, brie, and a fried egg all on a nice big slice of fresh baked bread (some sort of wheat). Breakfast is big here, probably because you've got to fuel up for your long journey to work and would rather sit on the tube with a full belly than sit on the tube all hangry (hungry+angry). I still don't understand the love for baked beans and BBQ sauce with your breakfast, but maybe I will learn soon enough. It could be borrowed from Western culture, but maybe baked beans just taste amazing with eggs, bacon, and sausage...this girl may never know.  What I do know, and it would be hard to miss, is Londoners' love for eggs.  When I say love,...I mean LOVE.  You'll find eggs in many dishes from the obvious breakfast staples to halves floating in your Ramen at the Chinese Restaurant, to a half an egg randomly (to me) added to your plate local pub. Hey, eggs are a magical food, so more power to you, I'm lovin' it.

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