Friday, May 24, 2013

Chelsea Gardens

Based off of directions from a woman at the bakery we had breakfast, a friend and I mistakenly took this garden for the Chelsea Flower Show, and paid the 9 pounds to get in.  Looking around for the masterpiece the Australian Gardeners has so colorfully explained the night before, it took us nearly 15 minutes to realize we must be in the wrong place (and subsequently got laughed at by several locals because apparently we did not realize what a big "to-do" the Chelsea Flower Show was--turned out to be 50+ pounds for entry). We were glad to have stumbled upon this beautiful place, though. Flowers are a huge part of the culture and everyday life around here. From flower shows, multiple gardens, to an outdoor flower shop at nearly EVERY tube stop, you really can't get away--for all you flower-haters.  What I found most intriguing is the plants labeled Anesthesia.  Is that, in fact, the plant used to derived the drug used in surgery, or just a coincidence? Anesthesia, to me, seems it would be created by a bit more complicated a procedure.  The tulips are ENORMOUS, just sayin'. You find bigger tulips and I will buy you a soda. Another aspect of the garden, and calling upon the healthy eaters out there, is the edible foods section of the garden! In the last photo, you can see a kale plant, flowering! Completely different from how I envisioned kale growing, this plant is more like a tree; tall, beautiful flowers, and random bunches of kale (bunches about the size we would buy at the store in the US) growing up it.  There were countless other cool edible plants as well, like plants used to derive oils, ginger roots, different berries, and more. In a country where fresh ingredients in a must, the importance given to gardens and edible plants is no mystery. :)
That's all the time I have today folks, off to Stonehenge and Bath! XOXO

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